Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Night Before Christmas

It's Christmas eve, a day of excitement in our house.  It's our tradition, based off the Swedish customs, to open family presents on Christmas eve (Santa's presents are for Christmas morning).  Today is also special for our kids because we're going to see the new Alvin & the Chipmunks movie, which they have been anticipating for months.  Like most people, this day is about being together as a family.

I've taken this week off work to relax and have time with my family, and am so glad for that.  I can't remember the last time I've had this much time off to be at home.  Honestly, I probably needed it.  It's been so nice to relax and sleep late with my wife and spend more time with my kids.  We get so busy going hither-and-yon to get ready for Christmas that we often loose sight of what the holiday is really about.

I hope all of you around the world have a wonderful Christmas to celebrate with your own families!  Be joyous and show the spirit of love to each other!