Monday, February 22, 2010

300 Posts!

When I started this blog back in September 2008 I wasn't entirely sure where it would go.  I didn't know if I'd have enough material to talk about and if I could keep the motivation up.  Now I find myself writing my 300th post, looking back at where I've come with this site.  Sure, 300 is a bit of an arbitrary number, but we humans like anniversaries, milestones, and celebrations.  And 300 seemed like a good number to mark the occasion.

At first I didn't think about tracking my readers, and didn't start that until July 2009. Since that time seven months ago I've had over 16,000 hits on the site, which honestly is more than I expected and averages out to over 2000 per month.  Wow!  For a small, growing blog I consider that a big accomplishment.

One of the most amazing things to me is that I have world-wide readership.  People in every hemisphere and six out of seven continents have accessed my blog.  Maybe in the future I'll get some Antarctic researchers who look me up and allow me that seventh continent!  People in 92 different countries have been to my site at least once (sure, some of those are likely bots, but hey, I'll take that).  I love being able to share with people in other countries, and see how many similarities we really have.

So thanks to all of my readers! I hope to continue to provide you with informative and entertaining stories about life in the veterinary field for at least another 300 posts!