Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In Memoriam

I now have my computer back and running normally.  Now that I'm getting back on the internet and blogging again, I wanted to start with an event that happened two days before losing my hard drive.

Guinevere was always a special dog, and the best dog I've had.  She was sweet to everyone she met and had a joy about her that was immediately evident.  She wasn't a typically hyperactive lab, and was instead content to lay at the foot of the bed or crowd next to you on the couch. She was gentle to and accepting of every pet we brought in after her, welcoming them with her quiet curiosity.  And at only five and a half years old, we lost her.

The symptoms began a couple of months ago when she had the strange gastrointestinal signs I blogged about.  Though she recovered from that bout, there were very subtle issues that would crop up now and again but weren't severe or obvious.  A few weeks ago we noticed an increase in some of the signs, as well as a sudden enlargement of the lymph nodes in her neck.  Neurological signs began to show, and the biopsy revealed lymphosarcoma.  A phone consultation with a neurologist confirmed that it was in brain and that even with chemotherapy the prognosis was very poor.  As her symptoms quickly worsened over only a few days, we made the decision to euthanize her.  That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

The house is emptier without her, and our hearts miss her terribly.  Though it has now been close to four weeks, we still acutely feel the loss.  So this blog is dedicated to our sweet girl, Guinevere.  We will always love you, and look forward to when we can see you again in Heaven.