Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Veterinarians choose their profession carefully.  We have to put a lot of stress, sweat, tears, time, and money into getting our education, and few go into this lightly.  For most vets it's a passion as much as a career choice.  And even for those who may sometimes regret the choice and wonder "what if", there is still a strong attraction for the work.

But that doesn't mean that we love every day and feel strongly motivated at each moment.  Here's something that may be surprising to many clients and veterinary students:  sometimes doctors don't want to be at work.  Sometimes we don't want to see patients and have to struggle to get through the day, watching the clock until it's time to go home.  And sometimes we're simply bored and tired of doing the same thing over and over.  How many times in a week do I have to discuss ear infections and weight problems?

This doesn't mean that we necessarily take short-cuts in our care, or avoid patients.  But it does mean that some days we have to work harder to fake a smile or interest.  Client service is a very important aspect if veterinary medicine, and that means we have to try out best to give our best with every single person.  However, sometimes we just don't "feel" it. And some vets are better at putting on this mask than others.

Surprising to some?  It shouldn't be.  After all, being a vet is a job not dissimilar from other jobs.  And I don't think there is anyone out there who doesn't feel this way about their own jobs at times (or frequently).  It's tempting to think that people in a healing profession are always motivated and eager to do what we do.  However, we're just as human as our clients, and have the same weaknesses. 

Yeah, I'm quite unmotivated today. But life goes on, work goes on, and the clinic will open tomorrow whether or not I'm ready for it. So I'd better be ready!