Friday, July 29, 2011

World Domination Proceeding

Over the last several months to a year I have seen this blog grow, have appeared on television twice, have done several on-line interviews that have been published, and now have been published in a major US veterinary journal.  A blog post I made several months back was noticed by one of the editors at Veterinary Economics, and he thought it would make a great "Hot Button" topic for the magazine.  We went through an editing process and I just received the latest issue, which has my article on the back page, with a mention on the cover (though you can't see it in this small's just to the right of the main logo)! 

You can check out the issue online if you don't subscribe to it or are outside of the US.  Here's a direct link to the article, which regular readers will probably recognize from this entry back in May.

I'm particularly excited about this article because it's in one of the most widely read veterinary journals in the country, and will probably surprise many of my classmates and colleagues whom I haven't kept up with over the years.  Since this blog is mentioned in the bio at the end, I would also expect that I'll see a bump in traffic on this site. 

It looks like my plan for world domination is proceeding along just fine!