Monday, June 16, 2014

Catch-up Blog #10--Becoming A Vet, Relationship With God

Almost caught up on my inbox full of emails!  Then I can get back to a more leisurely pace of blogging.  Here's a more recent one from Jessica.

 I'm Jessica. I'm a seventeen year old girl who lives in New York. I've been dreaming of becoming a veterinarian since I was seven years old. I would love to specialize in horses and cattle. I've been reading your blogs and they are extremely interesting. I've always wanted to email a vet and ask them about their job. I also wanted to know the criteria of being a vet. I'm excellent in biology, algebra, and chemistry. I also love animals. I have two guinea pigs, a dog, and a fish. I also have a lot of experience with different types of animals. What steps should I start taking to become a successful vet?

This is the perfect time to plug my most recent post presenting a single source for all questions about being a vet!  Check it out here.  That should answer the basic questions you have.

   I am also a Christian. I am a junior at Hawthorne Christian Academy. How has becoming a veterinarian helped you with your relationship with God?

I'm not deliberately trying to make this into a religious blog.  Honestly!  However, it is a huge part of who I am and guides most of my daily decisions, so it makes sense that it would come up in my blogs.  Since I'm open about the subject I'm not surprised that people would ask me about it.

Personally I don't think that I'm closer to God because I'm a vet or that my job has aided in that relationship.  The strength of my relationship with Him is more due to personal study and interest, as well as facing the challenges of personal life:  being a husband and father, dealing with financial struggles, having psychological issues, and so on.  But I do think about God in relation to my job.  I have prayed for and over my patients.  I ask God for help with my attitude and being a leader/manager.  As someone with a lot of scientific training and knowledge, my views of science only help deepen my belief rather than shake it.  Creation is an amazing thing and the intricacies of biology can only come from a Creator!  I also occasionally get a chance to share my faith with clients and staff, opening the doors for discussions about how awesome God and Jesus are.

Hope that helps, Jessica!